This week was all about Poses. I really really really love my Jack the Merboy piece this week. I had soooooo much fun drawing him! He is definitely my favorite of the illustrations this week.
But first up, we started the week with a mini Exercise which led in nicely to my finals…
Week 3 Mini Exercise, Rough Poses of Jack and Pearl.
but, the real star in my opinion, is my Jack doing the backstroke and a mischievous giggle…
Jack in The Lucky Pearl by Zoe Tucker. Poses Illustration by Rachael Bazley
I worked the most and spent the most time on Jack this week, probably why I enjoyed him so much, also, it was fun to draw a body shape that isn’t a circle. Pearl didn’t turn out half bad either, but I’m smitten with Jack.
Pearl in The Lucky Pearl by Zoe Tucker. Poses of Pearl illustrated by Rachael Bazley.