So, update time. I’ve finished all the illustration spreads, the cover, end pages and title page. All done, YAY!!! I’ve formatted most of the text, I’m just waiting to do a test print to see if the illustrations print well and the text is readable and flows. Some things just need to be printed and looked at to know if it’s going to work. I do worry, because i’m a classic over thinker, perfectionist… and the more I look at the illustrations the more I start to doubt and think it could be better. But, it’s all about learning when you’ve put enough lipstick on the pig, you know. I thought they looked great when I first finished, it’s the looking at them again and again and again that seems to fuel the doubt that lies in wait in my brain. I’m gonna share the cover for this blog, and next time, hopefully I’ll have more of the proof, print, deciding process of things.
Book Project
Hello, so, I’m working on a children’s book with a lady I went to high school with. She wrote it and asked me to illustrate it, which was very exciting. It took me a bit to get the roughs started and finished, and I’m now working on the finals. We are self publishing it as soon as I finish my part of the project. But, I thought it might be fun to share the dummy. The cover is still a work in progress which I will share more of later.
Sharing some completed Instagram challenges
I try to participate in Instagram challenges often, it gives me something to draw for. So here are three I’ve participated in “recently”.
Peace Week
A banner I created in 2021
Am I Back?
Am I back? I don’t know, we shall just have to play it by ear. I haven’t written a post in literally years. Why? Because I’ve felt defeated and been sitting in a pile of unmotivated self-pity and depression for far too long. I’m also a rambler when it comes to writing, and thought maybe no one cares to hear me yammer on endlessly about nothing much in particular. Then I thought, who gives a sh*t if I yammer on in a blog post very few see; if any. I should still share stuff here. Especially since I feel defeated by Instagram and never know what to share or say on there and if it’s the right thing or wrong thing or interesting or meaningless to the algorithm… Instagram makes me feel meaningless, I sorta hate it a bit. So, I don’t share or post much and I don’t say much, but, I do in fact have things to say, and I do want to share and create. Whine, whine, whine, I know. Thank you for joining this vent session… I’ll refrain from complaining in the future, and I’ll get back to sharing on here again. Maybe eventually I’ll even bother with a newsletter
I’m going to share my top 9 art from 2019, 2020, and 2021 now and stop bitchin’. See you again here soonish :)
This Week in MATS ICB6
This week was all about Poses. I really really really love my Jack the Merboy piece this week. I had soooooo much fun drawing him! He is definitely my favorite of the illustrations this week.
But first up, we started the week with a mini Exercise which led in nicely to my finals…
Week 3 Mini Exercise, Rough Poses of Jack and Pearl.
but, the real star in my opinion, is my Jack doing the backstroke and a mischievous giggle…
Jack in The Lucky Pearl by Zoe Tucker. Poses Illustration by Rachael Bazley
I worked the most and spent the most time on Jack this week, probably why I enjoyed him so much, also, it was fun to draw a body shape that isn’t a circle. Pearl didn’t turn out half bad either, but I’m smitten with Jack.
Pearl in The Lucky Pearl by Zoe Tucker. Poses of Pearl illustrated by Rachael Bazley.
Make Art That Sells Illustrating Children's Books Course.
So, I used my Tax Refund this year to sign up for a few MATS (Make Art That Sells) classes and learn and evolve and become better at my craft. The first live class is happening now, this month, and it’s the Illustrating Children’s Books class. Last week was week 1, we are on week two and it’s been really good times. It’s been forcing me to be social on facebook and the hermit i tend to be on that platform. It’s also really great getting to talk to other illustrators and learn from their struggles and victories, a community is a really nice thing. Basically what I’m saying is that it’s pretty great and worth the money. Week 1 started off strong for me, or at least I felt good about what I was producing. I thought I had a real original idea for my character and accessories, I might even say I felt a bit cocky, maybe, I don’t know if I ever truly feel cocky, ever, but, maybe there was a slight feeling of cockiness about me… THEN the Universe stepped in and said ‘slow your roll Rach, this is how the illustrating shit is done!’ Oh, how quickly things can change. I’d submitted my final assignment for the week and then went on FB to share when I saw that someone else had the same idea for their character, and there assignment #1 had crushed it!!! It was flippin’ beautiful!! So, I told myself it was okay, but it was really bothering me, it made mine look sorta crap (or at least in my eyes). I started this week feeling a bit down and lacking in self confidence, but after a few hours of being unproductive and moping on Monday I knew I had to bolster myself up, and go back to the drawing board; and I’m so glad I did. I’m actually thrilled someone else had the same idea and they implemented it ten times better than I had, because it forced me to go back and come up with something I actually feels represents me much better and the kind of work I want to produce. I don’t know if the teachers of the course will think its great and amazing, but I LOVE how my character turned out this week. I love my Pearl. I’m so excited to see what changes and evolves for me and Pearl next week.
First up is my Assignment #1, which isn’t the worst thing ever, and I don’t hate it… but there is room for improvement, as there always is. And, I didn’t know it at the time, but, it just not really me, and that’s why it feels a bit lifeless. Strange how I didn’t notice that until way too late. I do love her seashell “wind” chimes, those are keepers in my opinion.
And, now, my Assignment #2. Peal has changed, she is now sporting some seaweed (Kelp) Pig tails and a bit more life. And I just freaking am smitten. Every thing about it just feels more me.
***This Pearl character is based on the text written by Zoe Tucker for the Make Art That Sells course Illustrating Children’s Books.***
Making GIFs...
I’m still working on getting me GIPHY account verified so anyone and everyone can use the GIFs I’ve been making, but until then, I wanted to share them all on the old Blog that I rarely ever add content to. Here’s hoping that changes and I start using the blog platform, if nothing else I like to ramble on and pretend people are reading and enjoying my posts.
But, without further ado, it’s GIF time…
and feel free to click on them and see them bigger and bolder and more in your face!
Making GIFs has been so much fun, I wanna make OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH SOOOOOOOOOO many more. Also, notice the Studio Vlog one, yeah, that’s also something I’ve been working on…
Drawing Big Cats
I started an illustration project, just by chance… an ABC pronunciation like zine, print, book…. thing. Not entirely sure of all the details. I just happened to draw a Tiger and I liked it, so I then drew a Cheetah, and then decided that I wanted to do an animal for each letter of the alphabet in the same style and make something out of it. So, I’ve been doing just that. Well, I’ve been planning just that. So far, there are two and I rather like them.
They’re nice right? I will be making more. That’s all for now.
Yoga goods on Society 6
I’ve been wanting to put my Gnomaste illustrations on yoga mats and yoga apparel for the longest of times, years in fact, so I’m very excited that Society 6 let me have a chance to do it. Go over to my instagram if you want to see a few more picture, and then follow the link in my bio to my society 6 shop! Yay for Yoga and gnomes!
Just Gingerbreads in a Gingerbread Town doing Gingerbread things
Hello! And Happy New Year!
So, I didn’t get to draw as many of these Just Gingerbreads as I had wanted or planned this last month, but here are the final 4… Thanks for letting me share.
1.Just that one Gingerbread who goes OTT with the lights in a Gingerbread Town.
2.Just some Gingerbreads around a fire in a Gingerbread Town.
3.Just a Gingerbread family doing their holiday shopping in a Gingerbread Town.
4.Just two Gingerbreads iceskating in a snowy Gingerbread Town.
Just Two Gingerbreads in Love in a Gingerbread Town
I need to get on drawing more of these!!! I got busy with some other things and haven’t sketched out any more ideas… hopefully tonight :) I like this one in particular, makes my heart feel happy.
Just Gingerbreads in a Gingerbread Town... a series of illustrations
An illustrative series for the holidays
Read MoreinkTOBER days 10-15
Posting these in a batch again. I really am enjoying my Gouache Ghosties. The quotes are important and inspirational and good to think on and adopt. I especially like Rosa Parks and Oscar Wilde’s quotes in this batch.
inkTOBER Days 6, 7, 8 and 9
Here I am, 4 days late on sharing my inkTOBERs, but do not fear, I have gotten my act together long enough to post them at last. Been a bit busy making greeting cards and making Etsy listings. By the way, check out my store, I have a calendar for sale, and it’s quite good I must say, also some lovely Prints, and now, TWO, that’s right TWO Custom Art Options. And, soon, there will be a Marti at Christmas Book, Enamel Christmas Pins and Greeting Cards, so check it out and buy something if you’re feeling generous and enamored of something I’ve made. Thanks. Oh, and here are my inkTOBERs…
inkTOBER day 3,4 and 5
Alright alright alright, what’s happen, look alive look alive… or you know dead like these ghosties… here is inkTOBER days 3,4 & 5. I don’t have much to say about them other then I think they’re improving a bit each time… Day 5 is my favorite so far.
2018 inkTOBER Ghosties in Gouache
It’s October! I love October, because I love fall and halloween, so I’m very excited. It’s been all drizzly and grey today and I’m totally fine with it. These types of days are meant to draw and read and be cozy on the couch watching reruns of friends… At least, that’s what I did today. I worked too, but work was illustrating, getting in a box of freshly printed calendars, taking pictures and making an Etsy listing…. I didn’t mind any of it. But, this post isn’t about that, it’s about inkTOBER!!! This year I decided I need to improve my Gouache painting abilities, so, I came up with Ghosties in Gouache, a series of paintings that are inked (hence inkTOBER) of famous dead people as ghosts with a quote. After I sketched all the ideas out, I really love it and think it’s going to be a visually cool series. So, since i didn’t post this yesterday I’m going to leave Day 1 & 2 here for your viewing pleasure.
Marti 2019 Calendar
Hello, it’s been a very long time, I apologize. But exciting news, today I launched my first Marti 2019 Wall Calendar!! I’m so excited! Even better is that next year I have a better idea of what I want and need to do for a calendar. I have lots of other items in the process of being made, from enamel pins to a Marti at Christmas book, greeting cards and maybe, even, possibly, some mugs. I’m very excited about all the things, hoping you all will also be a bit excited and maybe find something you’d like that I’ve made. Now that I’m just being a freelancer I’m hoping to get more things out to the world and be able to blog regularly. I have been slacking on here and that stops here and now, today.
Year of the Dog
Friday is Chinese New Year (or Lunar New Year, if you prefer) and I do really enjoy Chinese New Year and the way folks celebrate, dragons and dancing, good clean fun. So, I drew my one and only Marti dog celebrating a year all about him and his kind, the best kind, the dog kind. He wishes you all a happy day, happy year, and if you celebrate, celebrate safely and many happy returns!
Marti@CHRISTMAS the entire 31 days
So, back in December, I did a drawing challenge... I called it Marti at Christmas. Marti is my dog, his full name is Mad Martigan and he's adorable and a big ol' lump. I love him so. Anyways, here is the entire series of drawings. I'm going to clean them up digitally and then make a zine/book out of them. As well as a zine/book, there is a Calendar in the works and many other projects involving my dog, because Marti really is a cute little character.
Okay, so, wanted to update the Blog, and decided to try a new platform as well, cause, why not... right? So, Welcome. Here’s a drawing of my dog Marti celebrating!